How Migration and Remittances Fuel Global Development Trends

The World Bank and KNOMAD (Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development) published their latest report in June 2023, ‘Remittances Remain Resilient but Are Slowing; Migration and Development Brief 38’. The Migration and Development report captures key developments in remittance flows that have occurred since the previous brief in November 2022. Projections have been made… Continue reading How Migration and Remittances Fuel Global Development Trends

Why partnerships between fintech & traditional Banks are a winning proposition for cross-border payments

As our society becomes more globalized, there will soon be no borders for capital. Globally, the amount of money being sent as remittances has seen significant growth as a direct result of increased migration as well as expanded business activity on a worldwide scale. As we know, this has a direct and positive impact on… Continue reading Why partnerships between fintech & traditional Banks are a winning proposition for cross-border payments

Best Practices for Growing MSBs in APAC Through Innovation

For decades, money transfers received from people working abroad have acted as lifelines of development for many emerging nations. Given their impact, the socioeconomic benefits of MSBs (money service businesses) have been widely acknowledged. Typically, MSBs permit their customers to transfer money, and exchange currencies or cash cheques without needing to rely on bank accounts.… Continue reading Best Practices for Growing MSBs in APAC Through Innovation

Digitalization Boosts Cross-Border Payments in South Asia

Increasing globalisation has expanded huge economic opportunities for people residing in South Asia. Many economies here are driven by remittances which also form a sizable portion of their GDPs. People working in different parts of the world send money back to their families residing here. And thus, the importance of seamless, transparent, and secure cross-border… Continue reading Digitalization Boosts Cross-Border Payments in South Asia

How to build a secure payments infrastructure?

In today’s increasingly digital world, a strong payment infrastructure is critical, especially for businesses looking to offer seamless and secure payment experiences to their customers. From accepting online payments to managing transactions and payment processing, a robust payment infrastructure is key to ensuring smooth financial operations. With the rise in digital adoption, cyber security threats… Continue reading How to build a secure payments infrastructure?

What is the role of program management in building payments infrastructure?

In today’s digitally-driven world, the way we send and receive payments has undergone a radical transformation. Legacy payment modes such as cash and checks have been almost entirely replaced by electronic transactions as well as payments via cards and digital wallets. Considering this paradigm shift in payment mechanisms, the significance of building and sustaining an… Continue reading What is the role of program management in building payments infrastructure?

Why AML risks must be countered with product innovation and tech-led measures

There is no doubt that globalisation has been an incredible driving force in recent decades, powering businesses to transcend national and international borders. But the benefits of globalisation are also accompanied by certain responsibilities such as the need to comply with local laws. Without comprehensive compliance, it is merely a matter of time before any… Continue reading Why AML risks must be countered with product innovation and tech-led measures

Digital Wallets: Transforming Cross-Border Payment Solutions

Propelled by rapidly changing consumer demands, digital wallets have emerged as one of the fastest-growing financial tools for both individuals and businesses. Considering the ubiquity of mobile phones, digital wallets offer a wide range of digital-first capabilities that bring ease of use, transparency, and an enhanced user experience. As digital wallet users keep increasing, their… Continue reading Digital Wallets: Transforming Cross-Border Payment Solutions